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Terrifier 3 Red Carpet Premiere
"Glimpse Set"
Stylist - Dylan Gue @dylangue
Talent - Lily Keef @lilykeef

Tribeca Film Screening
"Allure Set"
Stylist - Sierra Smith @sierrasimonexo
Talent - Celia Gooding @celiargooding

Vulkan Magazine
"Delirious Hoodie Dress"
Stylist - Nathan Sweet @ncsweet_
Photography - Thomas Chimney @thomaschimney
Talent - Daphne Marleen @daphne_marleen_

"Pink Delirious Set"
Photographer - David Urbanke @davidurbanke
Stylist - Nathan Sweet @ncsweet_
Talent - Aun'Jel Yepp @aunjelyepp

"Interference Collection Look"
Featured in Vogue, Parsons 2023 BFA Ready-To-Wear

"Fume Set"
Photographer - Jean Toir @jean.toir
Stylist - Nathan Sweet @ncsweet_
Talent - Bri Lessie @brilessie

"Piercing Dress"
Photographer - Jared Kocka @jaredkocka
Stylist - Nathan Sweet @ncsweet_
Talent - Delilah koch @delilahkoch

"Lenticular Dress"
Photographer - Thomas Chimney @thomaschimney
Stylist - Nathan Sweet @ncsweet_
Talent - Charlotte Blickle @charlotteblickle

"In Search of Dress"
Photographer - Thomas Chimney @thomaschimney
Stylist - Nathan Sweet @ncsweet_
Talent - Riley Rodriguez @rileyrodriguezz

17:23 Magazine
"X Set" (Left) & "Delirious Top" (Right)
Creative Director/ Photographer/ Editor- @goldenovaries
Stylist- Neha Sheik
Talent- Kimasa @bby.plantain
Producer- Her Studio NY

"Cast Dress"
Photographer - Bella Durante @bellarosedurante
Talent - Gia Rose @giaroseguzzo
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